
DATA Act protection: Effects of a federal breach notification law

The federal Data Accountability and Trust Act, should it become law, would mandate new breach notification requirements. What does this mean for enterprises? This article will look at the new reporting requirements and examine when and how your organization will have to report a breach to the FTC and what new steps you’ll have to institute to comply. DATA has passed in the House of Representatives and is awaiting Senate approval. Designed to protect personally identifiable information (PII) from misuse, the DATA Act would be similar to many existing state identity data breach notification laws requiring organizations that are entrusted with PII to report breaches promptly once they are discovered. The business benefit of the proposed federal breach notification law is that it would supersede the 48 existing state and territory laws that vary in their definitions of personal information, specify different notification methods and differ in their requirements for preventive and det

Capital Improvements and Sales Tax

TB-ST-104, Capital Improvements This bulletin explains what type of work is a capital improvement to real property. It also includes information on: -purchases by contractors and property owners; -billing; and -the appropriate use of exemption certificates. TB-ST-555, Materialmen and the Pay-When-Paid Option Materialmen who make qualified sales to contractors may be able to postpone payment of the sales tax until they receive payment from the contractor. This bulletin explains: -which sales qualify under the pay-when-paid option, and -how materialmen should report these transactions on their sales tax returns. To view the entire document please visit:

15 Reasons to start blogging!

From here : Also: Blogging, competition and commitment Someone recently asked me if I thought it was a good idea, for them to start writing a business blog. Whilst you may imagine my answer would automatically be a resounding ‘yes’, it wasn’t! I explained that in my experience, blogging is only a worthwhile commercial investment if you invest in it appropriately. Plus other blogging tips by Jim Connolly .

Don't put off the basics when starting your biz

FROM CBS News MoneyWatch : When speaking with or advising people starting new companies, or already running small ones, I've found that they often avoid, delay, or otherwise neglect to put some simple but critical business needs in place. Generally it's because they (like any responsible entrepreneur) want to save money, or because they think they "don't need these things yet." But there are structural and operational fundamentals that are best dealt with before you think you need them. Some of them involve a little out-of-pocket, but it's money better spent early in the game.

Four Steps to Generate Leads Online with Your Business Blog

From Social Media Today : Most experienced marketers agree that a business blog is an extremely useful tool to expand online reach, build brand loyalty, and generate leads online. According to Social Media Examiner’s 2012 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, 79% of marketers with over three years of experience use blogging as a social media marketing tool. Whether you’re just getting started or need to revamp your approach, here is a proven four-step formula your business can use to reap the many benefits of blogging: (DEFINE+LISTEN+ADDRESS) X (COMMUNICATE) = BLOGGING SUCCESS Clearly define your target audience, listen to them, and then communicate solutions that address their pain points in a simple, concise and relevant way.

How to Describe Your Products: Lessons from the Eddie Bauer Catalog

From StepByStep Marketing - I imagine this would also be applicable to services: It is tempting to rely exclusively on the verb "to have" when you are writing copy that describes your products. The lawnmower you are selling has a pull start, for example. It has a bag that catches grass clippings. It has oversize wheels. It has a comfortable handle. Repetitive copy like that doesn't capture the reader's attention, which explains why advertising writers often use alternatives to the verb "to have" in the copy they write: •"These shorts feature a comfortable mesh lining." •"This hammock sports a built-in comfort pillow." •"Our consultants possess all the knowledge you need to make wiser business choices." •"The design embodies all the extra features that enthusiasts will ever need." Those are more energetic alternatives, but there are other ways...

Forget the economy: Now is a great time to be in business

From CBS News MoneyWatch It's a lousy time to start or grow a business, right? Wrong! Over half of America's Fortune 500 companies started during a depression or recession. As far back as the first century BCE, Horace noted that "Adversity reveals greatness; prosperity conceals it." Entrepreneurs are problem solvers. They see beyond the pile of poop and look for the pony. Every crisis is an opportunity for change; every problem begs for a solution... We are all problem solvers to varying degrees. When confronted with problems, we all seek solutions. The difference is that successful entrepreneurs solve other peoples' problems, not just their own. Though their solutions may have originated from their individual situation, they are able to recognize a widespread need, replicate the remedies, and offer the solution to others.