
Consumer Expenditures (Annual) News Release

From the Bureau of Labor Statistics

Rules to improve employment of people with disabilities and veterans published

The U.S. Department of Labor announced two final rules to improve hiring and employment of veterans and for people with disabilities. One rule updates requirements under the Vietnam Era Veterans' Readjustment Assistance Act of 1974; the other updates those under Section 503 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. For more than 40 years these laws have required federal contractors and subcontractors to affirmatively recruit, hire, train and promote qualified veterans and people with disabilities respectively. "In a competitive job market, employers need access to the best possible employees," said Secretary of Labor Thomas E. Perez. "These rules make it easier for employers to tap into a large, diverse pool of qualified candidates." "Strengthening these regulations is an important step toward reducing barriers to real opportunities for veterans and individuals with disabilities," said Patricia A. Shiu, director of the department's Office of Federal C

Young employees don't know how to act in the office

Dear Evil HR Lady, I work for a government organization, so we get a lot of newcomers for whom this is their first job. They range from people straight out of high school to fresh college graduates. Either way, the majority tend to be horrible workers. In addition to teaching these newcomers their job, which I have no problem with, we end up having to teach them life lessons: chip in for the candy jar; if the bathroom stall is closed, that means someone is in there; the private bathroom isn't your phone booth; asking you to do your job shouldn't be the world's hugest inconvenience (aka "I'm sorry to tear you away from Facebook/candy crush/Internet."); wipe your feet when walking into the building.... I could go on forever!! I bring some of these issues up to my boss, but I think he thinks I'm a tattletale. He's not the best manager, and there is a ton of stuff that goes on at our level that he has no idea about. So the blatantly obscene stuff I

14 Rules Of The New Workplace That Millennials Need To Master

"Today’s workplace doesn’t tolerate slackers,” says Gen Y career expert Dan Schawbel in his new book "Promote Yourself: The New Rules For Career Success." In a rapidly changing economy, young people either rise to the top or don’t survive. To navigate the new workplace, Schawbel says millennials need to master a new set of rules that aren’t taught in school. Advances in technology, the rise of social media, and 24/7 connectivity mean young people have to promote themselves and take ownership of their careers in ways that previous generations wouldn’t or couldn’t have imagined. What to know in an evolving work place

Five Reasons Why Entrepreneurs Fail

While a lot of the entrepreneurs I've met and mentored in the past decade have been successful, I've probably met as many, if not more, unsuccessful entrepreneurs. Each of them seemed to make a lot of the same mistakes — ones that could be easily remedied, but when left unaddressed, could mean the difference between success and failure. Here are five signs you're getting in your own way to success and how to move over and let yourself be the best you can be: The five signals revealed here.

Business Valuations webinar: NYS SBDC on YouTube

The September 18, 2013 webinar Business Valuation: Definitions, Multiples, and Resources by Alexis Mokler of the NYS Small Business Development Center is now available on YouTube. Click on video or use this link . (23:29)

Sad talk at business

"How was your weekend?" the banker asked me. "Very nice," I said. "And yours?" "Not long enough," she said. (so much mediocrity ... so little time) I looked around to see if my wife, kids, or colleagues at work might be watching. I thought perhaps this was staged to watch the springs pop out of my head. I understand not everyone enjoys their work. I understand small talk clichés. But no one should complain about work to their customer or suggest to a customer that they'd like to be doing anything other than helping them. Ever. (customer = whoever you're paid to serve) More sad talk to avoid with your customers... • I'm so ready for the weekend. • Thank God it's Friday. • I've got a bad case of the Monday's. • Only a few more hours... • I'm ready for this day to be over. • Can't wait to be off. • I'll be better when my shift/ this day is over/ I get my coffee. • Hump Day! Only two days '