Business Dynamics Statistics Data
The July 2013 release of BDS data contains data for 1976–2011 and includes tables by establishment characteristics in addition to tables by firm characteristics.
•Firm Characteristics Data Tables
Describes job flow and entry/exit patterns for establishments in the U.S. classified according to the size and age of the firm with which they are associated.
•Establishment Characteristics Data Tables
Describes job flow and entry/exit patterns for establishments in the U.S. classified according to the size and age of the establishments themselves.
•Firm Characteristics Data Tables
Describes job flow and entry/exit patterns for establishments in the U.S. classified according to the size and age of the firm with which they are associated.
•Establishment Characteristics Data Tables
Describes job flow and entry/exit patterns for establishments in the U.S. classified according to the size and age of the establishments themselves.