Small Business Loans & Other Financing Options for Women
From Lendedu:
Being a female entrepreneur can come with its challenges.
On top of building a business, many women business owners juggle numerous responsibilities like family or caregiving commitments.
For these reasons, running a business as a woman can feel sometimes like you’re Ginger Rogers, who famously said that she had to do everything Fred Astaire did – except backwards and in heels.
Fortunately, some organizations have realized the added difficulties women entrepreneurs can face in finding funding and have set up grants and investment opportunities specifically for female business owners. There are also several traditional funding opportunities you can access.
This guide can help you navigate the different types of programs that want to give you money to help you grow your business.
Being a female entrepreneur can come with its challenges.
On top of building a business, many women business owners juggle numerous responsibilities like family or caregiving commitments.
For these reasons, running a business as a woman can feel sometimes like you’re Ginger Rogers, who famously said that she had to do everything Fred Astaire did – except backwards and in heels.
Fortunately, some organizations have realized the added difficulties women entrepreneurs can face in finding funding and have set up grants and investment opportunities specifically for female business owners. There are also several traditional funding opportunities you can access.
This guide can help you navigate the different types of programs that want to give you money to help you grow your business.