NY SBDC Technology Entrepreneur of the Year – Elena Yakubovskaya, Mindwick
Elena Yakubovskaya, a research scientist at SUNY Stony Brook, earned
her Ph.D in the field of molecular and structural biology in Russia.
Ten years ago in her spare time, she was one of the founders of School
Nova at Stony Brook, which provides supplemental STEM instruction to
elementary students on weekends. In addition, she is the Director of
Sigma Camp, a summer STEM educational camp for gifted students. In
2014, Elena started Mindwick, Inc. with the goal of promoting early
science education for students in grades 1-3. In 2015 Mindwick was
awarded a $150,000 Phase I SBIR grant from the National Science
Foundation (NSF) to develop "Ready for STEM" - a new educational
program for improving reasoning skills in elementary school students.
The Phase I “proof of concept” work results were well received when
submitted to the National Science Foundation. In 2016, Elena applied for
a Phase II $750,000 NSF grant and two new Phase I grants at other
agencies. Elena is confident that with the support of the SBDC, her
dream of developing a commercialized version of "Ready for STEM" can be