Coming Next Week: An Overview of the Recently-Released NAPCS Data From the Economic Census
Coming This Week: An Overview of the Recently-Released NAPCS Data From the Economic Census What is NAPCS? An Overview of the Recently-Released NAPCS Data From the Economic Census This webinar will provide an overview of the recently-released North American Product Classification System (NAPCS) data from the 2017 Economic Census. These data replace the Product Lines data historically released as part of the Economic Census. The webinar will include a demo of how to access the data on , following a typical use case. Additional Webinars Coming Soon December 3, 2020: 2015-2019 American Community Survey 5-year Pre-Release Webinar December 9, 2020: DECCS Tips and Tricks December 10, 2020: Spanish Webinar Series: ACE AESDirect Export Filings