
Showing posts with the label home office

7 Tedious Office Tasks You Can and Should Automate

Why work harder when you can work smarter instead? Several office tasks are perfect candidates to automate -- without sacrificing the well being of your business. In fact, some of these tasks not only save time, but also can actually be done better through automation. Automation makes it less likely that (a) you’ll forget; (b) tasks will fall through the cracks if an employee leaves; (c) mistakes will occur through repetitive entry of information. Here are seven tasks that you can and probably should consider automating to get things done faster and more reliably: More from SBA

Work From Home? The Home Office Tax Deduction Has Changed for 2013

For many small business owners, the home office deduction can be a mixed blessing--the savings are valuable to a tight margin business, but its complexity can lead to errors and unwanted IRS attention. But for 2013 and beyond, you have more flexibility when claiming this tax break. Keep Reading for More on This Money-Saving Option