How to Dispute an Error in Your Credit Report
Have you found a mistake in one or more of your credit reports? The Mid-Hudson SBDC has compiled guidance on how to fix an error on your report. How To Dispute an Error in Your Equifax Credit Report If you find an error in your Equifax Credit Report or in any of the products that contain information from your file, you should initiate an investigation with us free of charge using one of the three methods described below. We will investigate your concerns directly at the source (creditor, collection agency or courthouse), respond to you within 30 days, and send you an updated copy of your Equifax Credit Report via US Mail. If you are in the process of applying for a loan, immediately notify your lender of any incorrect information in your file. Your lender will need to reorder your credit file and score once any changes have been made to your information at Equifax. To initiate an investigation, you will need to have a current copy of your Equifax Credit Report. If you...