The Things You Should Know Before Your Company Go Public
From People's United Bank : Your business is growing, but not as quickly as it could and you know it. You need capital to fuel expansion - to move into new markets, hire more staff, increase service and product offerings and grow more profitable with ever-expanding margins. Instead of borrowing expansion capital, maybe it's time to consider going public - selling ownership shares of your business to the public. But going public isn't as easy as simply offering stock to outside investors. Your business needs a solid track record of profitability, increasing revenues and reasonable margins in a healthy, growing industry or market sector. Investors want to see a strong management team, a vibrant corporate culture, a sound business infrastructure and growth potential. Lots of growth potential! From Investopedia : An initial public offering (IPO) is the first sale of stock by a company. Small companies looking to further the growth of their company often use an...