Happy blogiversary
Taken at 4:42 pm, April 27, 2007
The blog's two years old this week. In the 12 months, from May 2006 through April 2007, we've had an average of 292 hits (a median of 272) per month. There's been a decided uptick in recent months, with 461 hits in March and 602 in April. While 75% of our traffic is coming from New York State, a quarter is coming from especially Europe. Similarly, about 1/4 of the domestic visitors are from outside New York State.
Though some of the people who found this blog came to follow up some demographic or program detail we'd mentioned, at least one recent visitor came as a response to a piece that Darrin wrote nearly two years ago about a scam.
I cite these statistical notes to show that a blog, initially designed for a fairly small niche of a couple hundred NYS SBDC advisors, can become a broader tool.
I am curious, though as to which is better: the reminder on Wednesday, which we do now, or Friday, which we used to do? There's always a spike on that day - a record 57 hits on Wednesday, May 9 - and for a few days afterwards.