Selling a Business
One of our favorite sites for business start-up guidance is the Business Owner's Toolkit which covers all aspects of starting and running a business.
One topic covered that I have referred to recently is the section on selling a business, something that comes up from time to time. I found that this site covers just about every step in the process.
You can read the complete section on selling a business here.
One topic covered that I have referred to recently is the section on selling a business, something that comes up from time to time. I found that this site covers just about every step in the process.
You can read the complete section on selling a business here.
Here are the major issues you need to think about when it's time to sell your business:
Initial issues in selling out: how should you time your decision and choose experts to help, and what legal/ethical pitfalls do you need to avoid?
Valuations of small businesses: how does the market put a price on a small business, and what can you do to maximize your own business's value?
Finding a buyer: what do you need to know about working with a business broker, creating a selling memorandum, and other marketing concerns?
Structuring the deal: what are your options as to terms, paying particular attention to the tax implications of various alternatives?
Financing the deal: what should you know about seller financing, and third-party financing through leveraged buyouts?
Completing the deal: from the Letter of Intent through due diligence to the closing, what are the typical steps you can expect to go through in the sales process?
After the sale: we add a few notes about your new, unencumbered life!
I recommend checking out It's this online global marketplace where you can invest, buy, and sell a business. It's inexpensive (and often free) to use, and if you do decide to use a broker, they post on it as well. Check it out and good luck!