What to Say in Your 1, 5, 10, or 20 Minute Pitch
By Angelique O'Rourke
From Bplans
How much time you have to deliver a pitch to investors will have a big impact on how and what you’ll want to do and say.
If you’re giving five-minute presentation followed by a Q&A, you will approach that a little differently than if you’re giving a one-minute presentation!
So, how do you know what to include in a really short pitch? What about a 20-minute pitch? We’ve got you covered. In this article, I’ll [also] review tips from entrepreneurs who successfully pitched their businesses for funding.
From Bplans
How much time you have to deliver a pitch to investors will have a big impact on how and what you’ll want to do and say.
If you’re giving five-minute presentation followed by a Q&A, you will approach that a little differently than if you’re giving a one-minute presentation!
So, how do you know what to include in a really short pitch? What about a 20-minute pitch? We’ve got you covered. In this article, I’ll [also] review tips from entrepreneurs who successfully pitched their businesses for funding.