
USPS Files Plan for 5-Day Delivery

The Postal Service has taken its case for five-day delivery to the Postal Regulatory Commission, claiming that current volumes do not support six-day service. The USPS is required by law to seek an advisory opinion from this commission any time they propose a nationwide change in service. Read more . Yes, you may have heard about that. But guess who sent the e-mail to me? Pitney Bowes. They send out a regular e-letter about topics that affect their clients. P-B machines are used to print out postage labels, among other things. In the same message P-B talks about small business and social media . You should be using Facebook and Twitter to tell you customers important, and relevant info...such as an impending five-day USPS delivery schedule.

New York: Exports, Jobs, and Foreign Investment

Report for March 2010 . *Export-supported jobs linked to manufacturing account for an estimated 3.1 percent of New York's total private-sector employment. More than one-fifth (20.9 percent) of all manufacturing workers in New York depend on exports for their jobs. (2008 data are the latest available.) *A total of 27,329 companies exported goods from New York locations in 2007, the third highest number among the 50 states. Of those, 94 percent, or 25,657 firms, were small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), with fewer than 500 employees. *SMEs generated more than half (55 percent) of New York's total exports of merchandise in 2007. That is the third highest percentage among the 50 states and well above the national average of 30 percent. *In 2007, foreign-controlled companies employed 433,600 workers in New York. This was the second largest total among the 50 states (only California was greater). Major sources of New York's foreign investment in 2007 were the United Kingdom

More Info & Videos Available re 2010 Census Door-to-Door Phase

With census takers going door-to-door for the 2010 Census, there is a lot of information floating around about what the process for the Non-Response Follow-Up phase entails. Why is the Census Bureau collecting certain information on the form? How do I know that my data is safe? Is this operation the same as the American Community Survey (ACS)? How do I recognize a census taker? Please click on the following videos to find answers to some of these questions. It is important that proper information gets to your customers that have not responded to the 2010 Census. Please feel free to forward these videos and encourage everyone to answer the census taker, so that we make sure that everyone is counted. In English How is my data protected? 2010 MMC YouTube What is the difference between the 2010 Census form and the American Community Survey form? 2010 MMC YouTube Why does the Census Bureau collect information on Hispanic origin? 2010 MMC YouTube En Español ¿Cómo reconozco un e

Tools for Online Success

This week, Google and the Small Business Administration announced a partnership and unveiled Tools for Online Success , a website designed to "educate local businesses about how to succeed online". Through tutorials, tips, and short videos of business owners who have found success online, small business owners can "become more efficient, more cost-effective, and more successful". “The SBA is pleased to partner with Google to put these important tools in the hands of small businesses across the country,” said SBA Administrator Karen Mills. “As the web evolves and consumers adapt accordingly, we know that more customers are finding traditional ‘Main Street’ businesses online. With these tools for online success, we can ensure these small businesses reach new markets and customers so they can continue to create jobs.” The best part, Mills said, is that it’s free.

World Bank Frees Up Development Data

World Development Indicators, Global Development Finance, Africa Development Indicators, and Global Economic Monitor are now free, open, and easy to access at . Recognizing that transparency and accountability are essential to development, the World Bank Group now provides free, open, and easy access to its comprehensive set of data on living standards around the globe—some 2,000 indicators, including hundreds that go back 50 years. The data is available in Arabic, French, and Spanish in addition to English. Particularly for those folks dealing with international trade, this is huge. "Open data will foster innovation." - Hans Rosling, Gapminder Foundation Offers Business Owners an Option

I found out about an article in the Salt Lake City Tribune that talks about a plan hatched by called the "Main Street Revolution Initiative". The first paragraph reads: "Small and minority-owned businesses have a chance to expand product sales through a partnership with, the Salt Lake City-based online discount retailer." Here's the page on Overstock's website, promoting the program: As you'll notice on this site, the company says that the program "is designed to increase the visibility of small and minority-owned businesses which currently lack exposure to national markets. By joining our network these small businesses can reduce their supply chain costs, and open their products to a mass audience." More information is posted there. Anyone out there tapped into this yet?

Getting Published: Guidance for Authors

Lately we’ve had a bunch of questions from clients who are authors or aspiring authors. Here are some resources related to publishing your work. If you are hoping to get the attention of the publishing houses, you may need a literary agent. Search for an agent here: Agent Query describes itself as the “the internet’s largest and most current database of literary agents.” Search by keyword, nonfiction or fiction genre, and you’ll get lots of results. Not sure if you need an agent or need help choosing one? The Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America offers a helpful article and resources on literary agents in their “Writers Beware” web pages. Harold Underdown (author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Publishing Children’s Books) also has a nice piece on “ Finding and Choosing Literary Agents ” We’ve also just purchased a copy of the 2010 Children’s Writer’s & Illustrator’s Market which is full of helpful guidance and lists of agents and publishers, etc. Decide to forgo

The Fed

Federal Reserve statistical releases and historical data have been divided into two pages: Statistics and Historical Data and Surveys and Reports. Principal Economic Indicators •Consumer Credit - G.19 •Factors Affecting Reserve Balances - H.4.1 •Industrial Production and Capacity Utilization - G.17 •Money Stock Measures - H.6 Bank Assets and Liabilities •Aggregate Reserves of Depository Institutions and the Monetary Base - H.3 •Agricultural Finance Databook - E.15 •Assets and Liabilities of Commercial Banks in the U.S. - H.8 •Assets and Liabilities of U.S. Branches and Agencies in Foreign Banks•Charge-Off and Delinquency Rates on Loans and Leases at Commercial Banks •Insured Commercial Bank Assets and Liabilities, Domestic and Foreign Offices •Survey of Terms of Business Lending - E.2 Business Finance •Commercial Paper •Finance Companies - G.20 •New Security Issues, State and Local Governments •New Security Issues, U.S. Corporations •Stock Market, Selected Statistics Exchange Rates an

Free Business Forms

FormNet® FormNet® is a tool designed to save you the time and expense of creating business documents from scratch. You can download and customize each form according to your needs, and immediately put them to work in your business--all for free. Areas covered range from Accounting to Human Resources to Office Management to Starting a Business. All free checklists, worksheets, forms and questionnaires.

Earth Day Green Business Guide

The Earth Day Green Business Guide is a document from , the official business link to the U.S. Government. The guide is intended to help "small business owners save money while protecting the environment. From changing a light bulb and using recyclable products to installing energy efficient equipment and systems, every business can make simple changes that save energy costs and natural resources." Small businesses can learn how to: * Develop an Environmental Management Plan * Comply with Environmental Regulations * Develop Green Products * Market and Grow Your Green Business * Reuse, Reduce and Recycle Waste * Explore Green Commuting Options * Learn about Successful Green Businesses In addition, the following Small Business Guides also available through include special highlights to help you green your business: * Starting a Green Business - Start an Eco-Friendly Business * Advertising and Marketing - How to Ma

Patent search sites

Two patent searching sites for any lists of science, law or business resources: SumoBrain FreePatentsOnline Both of the sites are totally free, with powerful search engines, large document collections, and many features that other sites lack, including PDF downloading.

Do Green Products Make Us Better People?

Here's an unusual article from the journal Psychological Science that might have no immediate use by any of your clients, but I'm sharing it nonetheless. A study from the University of Toronto argues that certain people, when simply exposed to green products (either in a market, or in advertising), act more altruistically and generously than those who actually buy the same product. This is an extension of what's known as "priming," whereby consumer behavior can be influenced by exposure to imagery - for instance, seeing the Apple logo inspires creativity in some folks. The authors argue that green products, marketed to promote a higher sense of social responsibility, are meant to inspire within the consumer the motivation to do good works. Conversely, they also argue that consumers who act on this exposure are the equivalent of the person who runs a 5K, then goes home and eats three Big Macs as a reward for their good work. Through a series of experiments,

Environmental and Alternative Energy Information Sources

One of the most useful and interesting publications that I read every month is Searcher: The Magazine for Database Professionals . Each issue contains guides to the best resources available for different industries, as well as information on how to find certain types of documents (i.e. dissertations) or where to find information on interesting topics (i.e. Dutch Libraries). The March 2010 issue contained an article titled Environmental and Alternative Energy Information Sources: Part 2: Government Information, Resources, Metasites, and Web Directories . Below is a partial list of the links provided in the article but the entire article is well worth reading and the website above should be checked out. National Council for Science and the Environments - CRS Reports Information Bridge: DOE Scientific and Technical Information DOE Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy US Energy Information Administration The Library of Congress Science Tracer Bullet Series Forest Service Research &

Federal Government Spending - Who makes what? is a database from OMB Watch that is designed to give journalists, analysts, government officials, and regular citizens easy access to information on federal spending. The website tracks government spending, whether it's through contracts for products and services, grants and loans, or other forms of assistance (including Social Security, veterans' benefits, etc.). The data can be as summarized or as detailed as you like - you can even get minute details on each individual government contract transaction. In the upper left corner of the website, there are three tabs labeled Contracts, Assistance, and Recovery. Select what type of spending you are interested in and click the tab. There are multiple criteria to choose from in basic and advanced search options and though the search was slow, I imagine the database has an extreme amount of data it must search. I clicked on New York State and below is the resulting data on contracts awarded in FY2008. Competiti

2009 Local Housing Market Reports

Every housing market is unique. These Local Market Reports (LMRs) — which reflect data available through 4th Quarter 2009 — provide insights into the fundamentals and direction of the nation's largest metropolitan housing markets. Each downloadable report evaluates a number of factors affecting home prices, including: •• The health of the local job market •• Foreclosure rates •• Housing inventory •• Debt-to-income and mortgage-servicing-costs-to-income ratios