"What's Your Signage?" Wins State Award

In late December, I heard from a woman named Mary Redmond. At the time, Ms. Redmond was the Acting Director of the New York State Library. In addition, she serves on a committee called the Government Information Roundtable for the New York Library Association, or NYLA/GIRT.

The purpose of her call was to inform us that What's Your Signage? was named one of two winners of NYLA/GIRT's 2004 New York State Notable Documents Award. More on that story can be found here:

If you recall, the book serves as an introduction to the value that an effective sign can provide a small business. It took the better part of eight months to create. It is the result of work done by myself, Mary Beth Bobish, and Josee Fonseca, with invaluable design work done by SUNY Central Administration's David Schillinger.

If you were with the SBDC in April 2004, then you should have received a copy of this book. If, for whatever reason, you don't have a copy, then let me know, and one can be mailed to you.

Very soon, a Web-based version of this book will be made available to the world. More on that in the near future.


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