How to Choose A Good Brand Name
By Arek Dvornechuck
From ebaqdesign
You can have many reasons that trigger starting the naming process, but it all comes own basically to two options:
*You start a new business and need a name
*or you change the name of an existing business
Your name is transmitted day in and day out, in conversations, emails, voicemails, websites, on the product, on business cards, and in presentations – everywhere.
It’s also important to remember that while the process of creating and selecting a name is critical, once the name is out it the world, the meaning of the word itself will evolve based on how people experience the brand.
From ebaqdesign
You can have many reasons that trigger starting the naming process, but it all comes own basically to two options:
*You start a new business and need a name
*or you change the name of an existing business
Your name is transmitted day in and day out, in conversations, emails, voicemails, websites, on the product, on business cards, and in presentations – everywhere.
It’s also important to remember that while the process of creating and selecting a name is critical, once the name is out it the world, the meaning of the word itself will evolve based on how people experience the brand.