Stony Brook SBDC Launches Energy Company Initiative
From the press release:
The Small Business Development Center at Stony Brook University has successfully competed in a New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) Program Opportunity and was awarded $247,000 for its proposal entitled the “Stony Brook Energy Company Initiative”. The goal of the initiative is to facilitate the entry of new and existing companies into the renewable and clean energy business in New York State.
The core of the Energy Company Initiative will be the traditional services offered by the New York State Small Business Development Center system. In addition, these basic services will be significantly augmented with a portfolio of activities including conferences, workshops, and counseling on funding opportunities specifically focused on renewable and clean energy business development. Further, an internet – based Early Stage Development Forum will be established to allow and encourage communication among energy company principals, and science, engineering and business experts during the company development process.
The Stony Brook Energy Company Initiative will consist of two cycles approximately 22 months in length. The first cycle process will start with a Clean and Renewable Energy Company Workshop and Call for Papers (Energy Company Workshop) which is tentatively scheduled for mid-October 2009. The Energy Company Workshop, as well as subsequent workshops focused on energy, will be open to all New York State entrepreneurs interested in renewable and clean energy business development. At the initial workshop entrepreneurs will learn more about the fields of renewable and clean energy, will be shown how to connect with resources for support, and be counseled on the preparation of a white paper which will be due within 10 days following the Energy Company Workshop. The white papers will be reviewed by a committee consisting of Stony Brook University faculty and staff involved in the university’s economic development programs. The committee will identify a subset of those new and existing companies which will likely benefit most from joining the Energy Company Initiative.
Individual Energy Business Development Teams (EBDTs) will be formed for each of the companies in the subset identified by the committee, consisting of the company principals, an SBDC counselor, a marketing and sales advisor and a technical advisor. Over the course of the following 12 months the designated EBDTs will be invited to participate in a series of additional workshops to help develop their respective companies and understand the nature of the business environment they are entering, will develop a full business plan, and will develop polished presentations to help them raise funds for their company.
The business plans and presentations of the mature EBDTs will be used in a Financial Conference at the end of the cycle which will be attended by potential lenders and investors. Business plans and presentations will further be designed to meet the criteria for consideration by additional investor groups such as the Long Island Angel Network and, after the first cycle is over, be useful in applying for the $200,000 NYSERDA grants described in PON 1260.
The Stony Brook SBDC has already started a blog for the initiatives, which you are invited to view and comment on. That blog is linked to this blog as well.
Dear Mr. Malik:
Yesterday, I attended Stony Brook SBDC Launches Energy Company Initiative function to learn that the recovery monies were not being spent on what Secretary of US DOE has deemed the most cost effective technology for the country and for the environment (i.e. Energy Efficiency/Conservation). Please inform Congressman Tim Bishop of my findings. For your reference, attached are Steven Chu's comments from U.S. News & World Report April 2009.
Mr. Jeff Saelens hosted the function and provided us, or small businesses, with a framework that was devoted to Renewable Energy and Clean Energy. He was soliciting whitepapers on those two subjects. The presentation will be posted on this blog shortly (See
In retrospect, I believe the most important thing they missed was the fact that our small businesses were not being included on Government Energy Contracts. As you know, the U.S. President has indicated that he is a friend of small business and that 20% of those contracts should be going to us. In my humble opinion, this group should be the facilitators of the distribution of energy government contracts to small business and we should not be their research and development arm. Our intellectual property is our most precious asset of which they did not explain how it was they were going to help us protect it. Please contact them.
Once we set them straight, I feel this will become a fantastic forum!
As always, your assistance in setting the NY State on track with this very important matter would be appreciated.
CC: Mr. Jeff Saelens
Mr. Dave McSorley
R. Scott Lewis, President, Notary Public
International Telemetry Machines Corp (See
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