All Ideas are Brilliant Before They Are Executed
Ideas have to run through an obstacle course of hard realities before they are really opportunities. Few ideas make it.
Everybody has ideas, Millions of them are floating around everywhere. Every problem anybody encounters is a solution waiting to be unwrapped. Every time somebody follows the comment “there should be a better way” by suggesting a better way, that’s an idea.
An opportunity is way more important than an idea.The difference between idea and opportunity is huge. An opportunity is an idea somebody can execute.
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Everybody has ideas, Millions of them are floating around everywhere. Every problem anybody encounters is a solution waiting to be unwrapped. Every time somebody follows the comment “there should be a better way” by suggesting a better way, that’s an idea.
An opportunity is way more important than an idea.The difference between idea and opportunity is huge. An opportunity is an idea somebody can execute.
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