Have you updated your info. in the Internal web site today?
This week, after completing a question for a business advisor, I realized that I didn't have a mailing address for the new outreach office. (1) I quickly logged into the Internal web site but found no information. (2) Then, I called the main regional center and left a message. So, the package sat on my desk until the next day. I waited and waited, but still no call back. I couldn't call the business advisor himself because his original request was via e-mail and did not list the outreach office phone number. (3) Finally, in late afternoon of the second day, I called the main regional center again and was able to get the phone number and address, but not the ZIP code. I thought this was the last step, but I had to (4) call the outreach center to get the ZIP code. So, after 4 steps, I managed to get the package in the mail.
The point of all of this is my plea for all of you to take a look at your center's information as well as your personal contact information in the Internal web site. If you can't get into the Internal web site (which all of you are allowed to at different levels of access), speak to your Center Director. Your contact information should be current at all times - address, phone number and e-mail address. Believe it or not, we here at Central use the Internal web site every day. You should, too.
The point of all of this is my plea for all of you to take a look at your center's information as well as your personal contact information in the Internal web site. If you can't get into the Internal web site (which all of you are allowed to at different levels of access), speak to your Center Director. Your contact information should be current at all times - address, phone number and e-mail address. Believe it or not, we here at Central use the Internal web site every day. You should, too.