Pet Peeves
Survey Says…Internet Pet Peeves: What Drives Consumers Away From Your E-Business Hostway Corporation
Pet peeves about commercial websites or how to drive customers away. Top three: of course, pop-ups, required registration, and required installation of extra software
“…more than 70 percent of consumers say they’re unlikely to purchase from, or even return to, a Web site after encountering these pet peeves..”
All Merchants
More of what not to do on your website including dead links, worn-out phrases and solid pages of text. A few points to consider when designing a web site while considering your audience.
Pet peeves about commercial websites or how to drive customers away. Top three: of course, pop-ups, required registration, and required installation of extra software
“…more than 70 percent of consumers say they’re unlikely to purchase from, or even return to, a Web site after encountering these pet peeves..”
All Merchants
More of what not to do on your website including dead links, worn-out phrases and solid pages of text. A few points to consider when designing a web site while considering your audience.
Want to know whats really annoying??? The "new" popups I see are using will we now need to have "Flash blockers"...? That's OK though...I find Flash annoying anyway...