Recession Guide for Small Businesses in New York State

The central office for the NYSSBDC has created a document that can be used as a guide and information source for our clients in today's rough economy. Originally created in July, we recently found it was necessary to update and revise the document. The guide combines facts and figures regarding the current state of the economy as well as tips and stragtegies for surviving in down times. In order to create the document, we visited major and business news websites and found the most recent articles and blogs that are applicable to our client base. We would be happy to send the document to any advisor or NYSSBDC employee who requests a copy. Feel free to call, email, or leave a comment and we will send you what we are calling the "white paper".


Amelia Birdsall said…
A business librarian in Colorado created a pathfinder for resources on the current financial crisis here:
This is the How to Guide from the Enoch Pratt Free Library in Baltimore. or
Anonymous said…
Hello, I think your web site is great and offers alot of great information that us small business owners need to know. With that said I would also like to request a copy of this if possible. Are there any fee's or any thing? You may contact me at Thank you for your time.

Scott Borden

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