Blog Series - Affordable Care Act
There is a lot of information and then there are even more questions about doctors who are accepting Affordable Care Act. There is also plenty of discussion and questions involving how patients can find doctors that do accept Affordable Care Act coverage. Here are links to article and information provided both by the federal government and the news agencies.
I feel I must give a disclaimer regarding information provided from the news agencies. These articles are to give you an idea of what people are saying and hearing, and there is no guarantee that what is being reported is accurate or current.
Factsheet: What You Should Know About Provider Networks
What’s a provider network?
Can I keep my own doctor?
Where can I find provider information?
What is the news reporting?
When will the Government Start Forcing Doctors to see Obamacare Patients
Top Hospitals Opt Out of Obamacare
The doctor won’t see you? Analysts warn ObamaCare plans could resemble Medicaid
Obamacare: Fewer options for many
I feel I must give a disclaimer regarding information provided from the news agencies. These articles are to give you an idea of what people are saying and hearing, and there is no guarantee that what is being reported is accurate or current.
Factsheet: What You Should Know About Provider Networks
What’s a provider network?
A provider network is a list of the doctors, other health care providers, and hospitals that a plan has contracted with to provide medical care to the plan’s members. These providers are called “network providers” or “in-network providers.” A provider that hasn't contracted with the plan is called an “out-of-network provider.”
Can I keep my own doctor?
Where can I find provider information?
What is the news reporting?
When will the Government Start Forcing Doctors to see Obamacare Patients
Top Hospitals Opt Out of Obamacare
The doctor won’t see you? Analysts warn ObamaCare plans could resemble Medicaid
Obamacare: Fewer options for many