
Sphere touts itself as an improved search tool for blogs, promising current and relevant results. One thing about it is it indexes entire sites and so your search term may only be mentioned in a blog. When I typed in SBDC, I got a list of mentions emboldened, with the name of the site, how long ago it appeared and a profile in the form of a pop-up that includes average posts per week, and the last 3 links in. The first in the queue was Roger’s blog, and various other mentions of SBDCs around the country.

Some other search tools of interest?

Talk Digger our website came up in a mention
about our veteran’s program.
Blogdigger http://www.nyssbdc.org/ did not appear in a simple
search but a search on sbdc brought up a mention about the SBIR
Google Blog Search brought up mentions
of sbdc and the url in various blogs.


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