St. Lawrence County Matchmaker - 10/28/14
St. Lawrence County Matchmaker
Tuesday, October 28th, 2014
SUNY Canton, Miller Campus Center
8:00 am – Noon
Hosted by:
SUNY Canton Small Business Development Center, St. Lawrence County Chamber of Commerce and North Country PTACSponsored by:
What is a Matchmaker?
This is an opportunity for businesses to meet, one-on-one, with representatives from the colleges, federal agencies, state and local governments and large regional institutions. Agencies and prime contractors are looking to source products and services from local small businesses.Matchmaking is like ‘Speed-dating’. You will sign up for 10 minute meetings with individual agencies and have that short time to network and share marketing materials. When the bell rings, you move to the next agency on your schedule.
Sign-up with agencies will take place between 8:00 - 8:45 am.
» View our current list of Agencies and Primes
What to Expect?
Before the event:- Businesses are invited to learn how to market and sell
under contracts with private, public, state and federal entities
through online training webinars.
- Doing Business With New York State: Recorded Link | Full Guide
- SBA Programs: Recorded Link | Selling to the Federal Government
- Matchmaker Preparation: Recorded Link
(Note: this is a presentation based on a past Matchmaker event. The agenda/timeline and dates given during the first 8-10 minutes do not apply to this event, but the remainder of the video will be useful in preparing for this Matchmaker)
- Small businesses participating in the Matchmaker have the opportunity to get individualized guidance to help them prepare and get the most out of the day by meeting individually with the SBDC and PTAC on Tuesday, September 30 where they will be able to get assistance in developing marketing materials to effectively target purchasing officers from colleges, federal agencies, state and local governments, large regional institutions and major industries in the North Country.
- Businesses unable to meet on September 30 can make an appointment with an SBDC business advisor* to prepare marketing materials, identify certifications, ask questions and gain a basic understanding of procurement opportunities. *This counseling is always offered confidentially and free of charge.
- Network with local resource representatives and exhibitors during the event.
- Promote your products or services during 10 minute, one-on-one meetings.
- Meet with a Business Advisor for one-on-one 10 minute counseling
View our current list of Agencies and Primes.
Agenda for October 28th
8:00 am: Check-in / Network / Visit Exhibitors8:00 am: Pre-registered business appointment scheduling
8:20 am: Day-of registered business appointment scheduling
8:45 am: Welcome Remarks
9:00 am: Matchmaker Begins
10:30 am: 20-minute Network Break
10:50 am: Matchmaking Resumes
12:00 pm: Matchmaking Ends
Registration Information
- Pre-registered business participants will be given priority scheduling time at 8:00 am.
- Day-of registered business participants will enter scheduling room after registration at 8:20 am.
Business Participant Registration $10: Print FORM
Prime Agencies and Government Agencies (FREE): Call (315-386-7312) or email to Sign-Up
Please print appropriate registration form and mail, with check or cash and business card to:
SUNY Canton Small Business Development Center
Wicks Hall 023
34 Cornell Dr.
Canton, NY 13617
Directions and Parking
Miller Campus Center is #5 on Campus Map (in center)Print: Campus Map
When entering campus, take right at split in road. You will take second left and park in designated lots. Permits will be sent to pre-registered participants. Others will receive day of.
Parking in Lot 13 or 1. Handicap Parking available in Lot 13.
Questions - Contact:
SUNY Canton Small Business Development Center315-386-7312