The Copyright Minefield
While there are a few obvious rules regarding the application of copyright law, reasonable people may disagree about some situations. I tend to take a more liberal approach, so I am recommending these more rigidly positioned entities.
Copyright Clearance Center deals with different licensing packages. Ask Before You Act is hot on getting permission for copyrighted material, even things others might consider fair use. The site's put together by the Software & Information Industry Association, the principal trade association for the software and digital content industry, who run a vigorous anti-piracy campaign.
Also, Deciding What Information Is Fair to Use.
Copyright Clearance Center deals with different licensing packages. Ask Before You Act is hot on getting permission for copyrighted material, even things others might consider fair use. The site's put together by the Software & Information Industry Association, the principal trade association for the software and digital content industry, who run a vigorous anti-piracy campaign.
Also, Deciding What Information Is Fair to Use.